Alberta Native Plant Council

Growing Native Plants

Growing Native Plants

From balconies, to backyards and schoolyards, to wellpads, mines and oilsands, native plants are being propagated, grown and planted because we value them as individuals or collectively as a school, a club, or as a culture through regulatory requirements.

For small and large scale projects alike, the information below provides some guidance and resources on growing native plants. ANPC provides grants of up to $1000, for small scale native plant projects. ANPC also hosts the annual ‘Pollinator Garden Challenge. Details of how to participate here. You do need to be an ANPC member to participate in the challenge (membership options here)


ANPC GUIDELINES for sourcing native plant material:

ANPC Native Plant Source List – Revised March 2023. Note: this is an excel file that will be downloaded to “Downloads” on your computer.
Guidelines for Purchase and Use of Wildflower Seed Mixtures
Guidelines for Native Plant Rescue
Plant Collection Guidelines for Horticultural Use of Native Plants

If you are a home owner, community or school group, landscaper or landscape architect looking for guidance to help you choose and source native species appropriate for your side and how to install and care for them. Please see our “Gardens and Landscaping” page.

If you are an environmental professional in care of the reclamation or restoration of large scale industrial sites or other disturbances, or a professional or amateur native plant enthusiast who would like to see how academic, professional, government and industrial organizations are developing native plant resources and guiding their use. Please see our “Restoration and Reclamation” page.




ANPC, Box 52099 Garneau Postal Outlet, Edmonton AB T6G2T5    All content copyright ANPC 2023